In 2004, Sean dove head first into the world of Japanese animation by creating a blog called Anime 3000. Knowing little about the industry, he took his journalism background and went to work. After attending the first New York Comic Con in 2006 as press, he walked away with some valuable industry contacts. From there, he would go on to launch his first podcast in 2007 and grow that into a network of 10 shows and over 1,000 hours of audio content. Videos and articles would follow and then advertising and sponsorships. Unfortunately, with increasing popularity comes the need of additional marketing and funding. Without a clear business model, Sean found himself getting stretched too thin and the network suffered as a result. Luckily, the lessons learned from this setback helped in other areas of Sean’s life and only motivated him to retool the network for an eventual relaunch in 2017.
I can sum up Sean’s key characteristics in three words: inventiveness, industry, integrity. Whatever he’s working on, whatever field he’s working in, he does his utmost to find solutions that deliver for everyone involved and make the most of all the resources available.
Sean is a self-motivated, reliant person. He was always pushing the fold in the anime industry, connecting different kinds of people with content that was suitable for Anime 3000’s audience. I think if you needed someone to come up with creative ideas that were also based on a growing and stable trend, Sean is your guy.